When using HxGN SmartNET PPP in Canada, a user needs to be aware of the coordinate reference frame used as it may not line up with existing monumentation.  When using the PPP service, the user must configure the RTK rover with the appropriate reference frame (adjustment). If this is not done, the PPP computed positions can be "wrong" by up to a few meters.  The Leica Captivate software included a number of reference frames which could be selected. The option can be found in Settings, GS sensor,  Satellite Tracking, and in the Augmentation tab as seen below:



For more information about Canadian reference frames, we recommend visiting the NRCAN website:  Canadian Spatial Reference System


In addition, a user can create a custom reference frame by selecting Custom Adjustments at the Reference frame prompted and tap on the Adjust to use drop-down menu





When the adjustment is computed and applied, subsequent measurements performed with PPP correction data will be corrected with the custom adjustments. If a reference frame does exist within Leica Captivate for the area in which the rover is being used then this reference frame should be used. It is likely to be more accurate than a custom adjustment.  It is recommended to only create a new custom adjustment if a reference frame does not exist within Leica Captivate.


For more information on HxGN SmartNET Global, please visit: HxGN SmartNET Global