Leica Geosystems Infinity Software
Tools and guides for Leica Geosystems Infinity GNSS/TPS processing software
Creating a Geoid Field File (.gem) from an NRCAN geoid model:
A Geoid is the equipotential surface of the Earth’s gravity field which best fits, in a least squares sense, global mean sea level. The Geoid Field File enables the user to utilize a Geoid Model that is appropriate for the mapping are under consideration.
Import GPS Vector from Infinity/LGO to Starnet
The link below show how to export baseline vector from Leica infinity and import to Startnet. http://helpdesk.microsurvey.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/1438/41/importing-post-processed-vectors-from-infinity
Infinity Code List created from Third-Party ASCII
Often, it is necessary to import a code list from a third party/external system (i.e. AutoCAD, MicroSurvey AutoMap) into Leica Infinity. The attached guide will outline steps in doing so.
Internet Download map In Infinity
In Leica Infinity, the question is often asked which pin color represents which service on the Internet Download map in the GNSS processing's Download option:
Point Symbols in Infinity
Here are the point class symbols in Infinity.